what is wrong with winona judd

what is wrong with winona judd

10 months ago 30

Wynonna Judd has been facing health challenges, including an extreme bout of vertigo, which has caused dizziness, nausea, and even hearing loss in serious cases. She has also shared openly about her mental health struggles, expressing that she is working really hard on her mental, physical, and spiritual well-being, and that she is "broken" but working "really hard" on self-care, which she considers "sacred". Additionally, she has been dealing with nerves and emotional challenges, as seen in her performance with Jelly Roll at the CMA and her openness about her feelings after the death of her mother. These health issues have impacted her performances, causing her to pause a show in Dayton due to dizziness and to express nervousness during a performance with Jelly Roll. Despite these challenges, she has continued to perform and tour, showing resilience and determination in the face of adversity.

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