what is wts

what is wts

1 year ago 117

WTS has multiple meanings depending on the context. Here are some possible meanings:

  • Womens Transportation Seminar: WTS International is an organization that attracts, sustains, connects, and advances women's careers to strengthen the transportation industry.

  • Want to Sell: In online marketplaces, WTS is an acronym that means "want to sell." Someone using this acronym wants to sell one or more items.

  • What the s*?**: WTS is an acronym used to express frustration or confusion. It is typically used online in chat rooms or social media or in text messages. The acronym is a variation of the more popular WTF acronym.

  • WhatsApp: WTS can also be an abbreviation for WhatsApp.

  • Windows Terminal Server: WTS can also stand for Windows Terminal Server, a Microsoft technology that allows multiple users to access Windows applications and desktops remotely.

The meaning of WTS depends on the context in which it is used.

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