what is zapdos weak to

what is zapdos weak to

1 year ago 32

Zapdos is a legendary Electric/Flying-type Pokémon that is vulnerable to Rock and Ice-type attacks. Here are some of the best counters and moves to use against Zapdos:

Best Counters:

  • Rock-type Pokémon: Golem, Tyranitar, Regirock, Rhyperior, Rampardos
  • Ice-type Pokémon: Glaceon, Mamoswine, Weavile

Best Moves:

  • Rock-type moves: Rock Throw, Stone Edge, Smack Down, Rock Wrecker
  • Ice-type moves: Avalanche, Ice Beam, Ice Punch

Zapdos is resistant to Grass, Fighting, Ground, Bug, and Steel-type attacks. Its important to note that Zapdos has a high max CP and can be a powerful addition to Raid Battle lineups, especially when taking on Raid Bosses such as Mega Blastoise, Mega Pidgeot, Mega Slowbro, Mega Gyarados, Articuno, Moltres, Lugia, or Mega Altaria.

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