what is zina in islam in urdu

what is zina in islam in urdu

1 year ago 39

Zina is an Islamic legal term referring to unlawful sexual intercourse. It is considered a hudud sin, or crime against God, and is mentioned in both the Quran and the Hadiths. Zina encompasses any sexual intercourse except that between husband and wife, including both extramarital sex and premarital sex. Technically, zina only refers to the act of penetration, while non-penetrative sex acts outside of marriage were censured by the Prophet as that which can lead to zina. In Pakistan, over 200,000 zina cases against women, under its Hudood laws, were under process at various levels in Pakistans legal system in 2005. Zina laws are one of many items of reform and secularization debate with respect to Islam.

There are several videos available on YouTube that discuss zina in Islam in Urdu, including explanations of the concept and its punishments.

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