what is zip code of my location

what is zip code of my location

1 year ago 45

To find the zip code of your current location, you can use various online tools. Here are some options:

  1. Whatismyzip.com: This website can show you the ZIP code of your current location based on your GPS position.

  2. Mapdevelopers.com: This website can find the ZIP code of your current location based on your general area. To get your exact ZIP code, you can share your location or enter an address on the map.

  3. My-location.org: This website has a tool called "My Zip Code" that can help you find out the ZIP code of your current location. You can also use this tool to look up any ZIP code in the US, along with the city, county, and state.

  4. USPS Zip Code Lookup: The United States Postal Service (USPS) has a tool on their website that allows you to enter a street address, city, and state to see a specific ZIP code.

  5. Zip Code Maps: There are various websites that offer zip code maps for different cities and regions. For example, GIS Geography has a Jacksonville zip code map that displays interstate highways and postal regions of Jacksonville. Google My Maps also has a Jacksonville Florida Zip Code Map.

Note that searching for a city may not give you a result as there are many ZIP codes within a city. If this is the case, you can click within the city limits to find the ZIP code of that spot.

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