what jobs offer pensions

what jobs offer pensions

1 year ago 33

There are several jobs that offer pensions, and they tend to be clustered in a few specific fields. Government and union employees are especially likely to have access to pension benefits. Here are some jobs that offer pensions:

  • Teacher: Almost all state and local government employees (86%) are eligible for a traditional pension plan. Teachers are among the most common government employees with access to pensions.

  • Utility worker: Utility companies provide pension coverage to 76% of their employees, according to BLS data. Many utility companies are unionized, which contributes to maintaining pension plans.

  • Firefighter: Firefighters are among the most common government employees with access to pensions. They are also often unionized, which increases the odds of securing a pension fund.

  • Government worker: Federal, state, and local government employees are the most common place to find defined benefit pensions. Jobs in this category include teachers, firefighters, police officers, and other public servants.

  • Union worker: Union jobs can be found in many industries, and having a union job dramatically increases the odds that you can access a pension fund. In 2019, for instance, the BLS reported that 79% of union workers had pension access, compared to 17% of non-union workers.

  • Finance and insurance worker: About 35% of all members of the financial sector of the economy can access pension plans, according to the BLS. In addition, 85% of all workers in the sector get some type of retirement benefit, whether that’s a 401(k) plan or pension.

  • Medical assistant: Medical assistants are among the healthcare workers who may have access to pensions. Other healthcare jobs that may offer pensions include nurses and doctors.

  • Construction worker: Construction workers may have access to pensions through their union or employer.

  • Bus driver: Bus drivers may have access to pensions through their union or employer.

  • Soldier: Members of the military may have access to pensions through their service.

Its worth noting that pensions are becoming increasingly rare, and many jobs that used to offer them no longer do. If youre interested in a defined benefit retirement plan, its important to research whether a potential employer offers a pension plan.

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