what keeps snakes away

what keeps snakes away

1 year ago 42

There are several natural ways to keep snakes away from your home and yard. Here are some effective methods:

  1. Get rid of food sources: Snakes are attracted to areas where they can find food, so getting rid of common pests that snakes like to eat can help deter them. Scheduling routine pest control can help with this.

  2. Get rid of water sources: Snakes are also attracted to areas with a lot of moisture. Eliminate standing water in your yard where possible. Repair leaky faucets and replace leaky hoses. Keep pools, ponds, and other water features maintained.

  3. Get rid of hiding spots: Snakes will look for places around your home to hide so they can breed and rest. Get rid of coiled hoses or use hose boxes. Avoid using rock piles in your landscaping, if possible. Store firewood in boxes or elevate it when possible. Keep your grass mowed and dense brush cleared out. Seal off or add fencing to any open areas under sheds or other buildings.

  4. Use physical barriers: Creating physical barriers around your property can prevent snakes from entering your yard. By using solid fences or netting, you can prevent snakes from entering your yard. Additionally, making sure any cracks and crevices in the walls of your home are sealed off can also help deter snakes.

  5. Use snake repellents: There are several natural snake repellents available that homeowners use nationwide to repel snakes. Some of these include ammonia diluted in water, powdered sulfur, white vinegar, lime mixed with peppermint or pepper, and cedar oil.

  6. Use snake predators: Snakes have a few natural predators that can help keep them away. Common snake predators include cats, raccoons, pigs, turkeys, guinea hens, and foxes. Keeping any of these animals around your home will help deter snakes.

  7. Keep your yard tidy: Snakes like to slither beneath scrap metal, wood piles, and trash, so keeping your yard tidy can help keep them away. Clear away any brush or debris near your home, and keep your lawn trimmed short to reduce the number of hiding spots for snakes.

By following these methods, you can keep snakes away from your home and yard without having to employ deadly methods like shooting or poisoning them, which can also potentially be dangerous to yourself, pets, or wildlife that’s helpful to your local ecosystem.

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