what kills bermuda grass

what kills bermuda grass

1 year ago 53

There are several ways to kill Bermuda grass, both organic and non-organic. One effective method is to use a ready-to-use herbicide containing glyphosate, like Roundup, which should be sprayed evenly across the lawn on a day when its not windy. Wait for the grass to turn brown, and then remove the dead sod. Another natural way to kill Bermuda grass is with vinegar, but it is non-selective and will kill your lawn grass alongside the Bermuda grass. Bermudagrass can also be managed non-chemically with a persistent program of removal, or over large areas by cultivation and by withholding water during the summer to desiccate the stolons and rhizomes. Mulches of black plastic or geotextile landscape fabric can also be effective over large areas if light is excluded. There are two basic types of herbicides that can kill mature bermudagrass: nonselective herbicides that kill most plant species and grass-selective herbicides that only kill plants in the grass family (Poaceae) . Ethofumesate is the main chemical that can fight Bermuda without harming St Augustine, while triazines such as Simazine or Atrazine are often mixed with other herbicides to kill Bermuda.

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