what kills ivy permanently

what kills ivy permanently

1 year ago 79

There are several ways to kill ivy permanently, including:

  1. Herbicides: Select a herbicide made with glyphosate, imazapyr, triclopyr, or some combination of these chemicals, all of which target the ivy roots. Ortho GroundClear Vegetation Killer, Roundup Poison Ivy Plus Tough Brush Killer, and Bayer Advanced Brush Killer Plus Concentrate are some examples of herbicides that can be used to kill ivy.

  2. Vinegar: Wait for a period of a few dry days, then spray the ivy leaves with a solution of apple cider vinegar, dish soap, and one tablespoon of salt. This is a natural solution that won’t harm your garden.

  3. Bleach: Prepare a solution of 1 part bleach to 3 parts water, add a bit of dish soap to it, and mix it in a spray bottle. Spray it onto the wall, a fence, or any other surface where ivy is growing. This will kill the ivy and prevent it from growing back.

  4. Cutting and digging: Cut the ivy stems as close to the ground as possible, and then dig up the roots. This method is time-consuming and labor-intensive, but it is effective if done correctly.

It is important to note that killing ivy permanently may take several attempts, and it is important to follow the instructions on herbicides and other products carefully to avoid damaging other plants or harming the environment.

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