what kills ticks on dogs instantly home remedies

what kills ticks on dogs instantly home remedies

1 year ago 62

There are several home remedies that can help kill ticks on dogs naturally. Some of these remedies include:

  • Eucalyptus oil: Eucalyptus oil acts as a tick killer as well as a tick repellent. You can spray a solution of 4 ounces of pure or distilled water with 20 drops of eucalyptus oil on yourself and your pet.

  • Bleach: Bleach contains powerful chemicals that can instantly kill ticks. You can place the tick in a small container that contains bleach.

  • Salt: Regular table salt can kill tick larvae and eggs, dehydrating them until they fall apart. You can kill ticks in your house by sprinkling salt over your floor and furniture, applying a layer at night and then vacuuming it in the morning.

  • Detergent: You can kill ticks on your pet with any sort of dishwashing liquid. Apply a generous amount of soap on your pet (more than you would for a typical bath). Allow your pet to soak in the soap for 15-30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and let your pet dry indoors.

  • Garlic: Adding ⅛ of a teaspoon of garlic to your dogs food can act as a natural repellent for ticks.

  • Vegetable oil: Combining two drops of vegetable oil, 10 drops of peppermint essential oil, and 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid can help remove ticks on dogs naturally. Apply this solution to your pet once a week.

  • Chamomile: Rubbing your dogs skin with a cloth drenched in warm chamomile water can help repel ticks.

Its important to note that while these remedies may help kill or repel ticks, they may not be as effective as commercial tick prevention products. Additionally, some of these remedies may irritate your pets skin, so its important to test them in small amounts first and monitor your pet for any adverse reactions.

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