what kind of chicken lays green eggs

what kind of chicken lays green eggs

1 year ago 36

Several chicken breeds lay green eggs, and the shade of green can vary depending on the breed. Here are some chicken breeds that lay green eggs:

  • Olive Egger: This is a hybrid chicken breed that can come from a variety of breeding combinations, but they usually have a blue egg base that gets a brown egg tint put over top at the end of the egg formation process, resulting in a pastel green or olive green egg.

  • Easter Egger: This is another hybrid breed that can lay a range of egg colors, including bluish, green, pinkish, or cream. They have a blue egg base that gets a brown egg tint put over top, resulting in a green egg.

  • Favaucana: This is a new breed developed by My Pet Chicken, and it is a cross between Faverolle and Ameraucana chickens. They lay a pale sage green egg.

  • Green Queen: This is a hybrid breed that is a new version of the Easter Egger, and they lay green to olive-colored eggs.

  • Isbar: This is a purebred chicken breed that lays green eggs, but they are quite rare. They are originally from Sweden.

Other breeds that lay green eggs include Silver Isbars, Green Gems, and Steele Eggers. Its important to note that all eggs start out white, and the egg color differences come about by pigment being added to the shell during the time that the egg passes through the chickens oviduct. When and what kind of pigment is added determines the ultimate color of the egg.

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