what led light color helps with sleep

what led light color helps with sleep

1 year ago 39

According to the search results, the color of light that helps with sleep is red. Red light has a lower color temperature than regular sunlight, making it ideal for sleep. It causes the brain to produce the sleep hormone melatonin, which helps the body relax mentally and physically while drifting off to sleep. In fact, one study on mice found that red light at an intensity of 10 lux or higher had the potential to induce sleep. Other warm hues of red, orange, and yellow are also good for preparing the mind and body for sleep. On the other hand, cool color LEDs such as blue and green enhance focus and inhibit melatonin production, making it harder for the body to transition to a sleepy state. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid blue light from electronic devices at night as it can trick the brain into thinking its still daytime and disrupt the sleep-wake cycle. Dim yellow and orange colored lights are also good options to use at night as they have little impact on the circadian rhythm. Harvard recommends using dim red lights for night lights because they are least disruptive to circadian rhythms.

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