what level should i start phantom liberty

what level should i start phantom liberty

1 year ago 39

To start Phantom Liberty in Cyberpunk 2077, players must reach a certain point in the games story. According to Twinfinite, Phantom Liberty takes place roughly halfway into the story, so players must be somewhat prepared. The game deems level 15 as sufficient, but considering certain bosses and enemies, that might be too low. If players are willing to make a completely new character from the start, it is recommended to wait until at least level 25 to take on the DLC. However, Vintage is The New Old states that ultimately, Phantom Liberty is accessible to probably any level come its due point (Transmission quest). Theyre not throwing you into the deep end, unless say, youre. IGN suggests that players should hold off on jumping right into Phantom Liberty and play until they unlock the Act 3 mission ‘Nocturne Op55N1, which is one of those “You can’t turn back beyond this point” missions. By jumping into Phantom Liberty at this time, players will be far enough in the main game that the new ending, which can only be unlocked by beating Phantom Liberty, will actually make sense.

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