what made calvin and hobbes so popular

what made calvin and hobbes so popular

1 year ago 30

Calvin and Hobbes was a popular comic strip that ran from 1985 to 1995, chronicling the high jinks of Calvin, a six-year-old boy, and his pet tiger, Hobbes. The comic strip was created by Bill Watterson, who drew inspiration from Charles Schulz’s Peanuts and Walt Kelly’s Pogo, among other precursors. The strip was renowned for its vivid portrayal of a childs imagination and its humor, creativity, and heart. Here are some reasons why Calvin and Hobbes was so popular:

  • Imagination: Calvins imagination was a key feature of the comic strip. His imagination took readers to new planets, parodies of film noir, the Cretaceous period, encounters with aliens in American suburbs, and bicycles coming to life. His imagination was so expansive that it made the comic strip feel alive.

  • Relatability: Calvins world was relatable and recognizable to readers. His adventures took place in familiar locations like school, home, and playgrounds, and his characters were figures readers recognized from their own childhoods.

  • Humor: The comic strip was known for its humor, which ranged from the banal-yet-painful occurrences labeled by Calvins dad as "building character" to the inventive, mischievous "insurance" Calvin sold at roadside stands.

  • Creativity: The comic strip was inventive and creative, taking readers to new places and exploring complex topics. Wattersons style had tremendous range, and he made Calvin & Hobbes downright subversive.

  • Literary and artistic value: Calvin and Hobbes endures as literature and art combined because it asks important questions without simplistically resolving them, revels in its own absurdities, and is both intellectually and emotionally engaging.

Overall, Calvin and Hobbes was popular because it was relatable, imaginative, humorous, creative, and had literary and artistic value.

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