Common management practices in dairy and poultry farming include:
Dairy Farming:
- Clean and proper shelter facilities for the animals.
- Supply of hygienic and balanced food.
- A well-ventilated and spacious place for their growth.
- Preventing them from disease and disease-causing agents.
- Proper milking techniques and lactation management.
- Regular cleaning of the barns and milking equipment.
- Proper breeding and genetic selection of animals for better milk production.
- Proper waste management and disposal.
Poultry Farming:
- Clean and proper shelter facilities for the birds.
- Supply of hygienic and balanced food.
- A well-ventilated and spacious place for their growth.
- Preventing them from disease and disease-causing agents.
- Proper breeding and genetic selection of birds for better egg production.
- Regular cleaning of the barns and equipment.
- Proper waste management and disposal.
- Proper lighting and temperature control in the barns.
These practices are essential for the good production of dairy animals and poultry birds. Proper management practices ensure the health and well-being of the animals and birds, which in turn leads to better production and profitability for the farmers.