Pepperoni is a type of dried sausage, similar to salami, that is made from a mixture of ground pork and beef mixed with spices and flavorings. Salt and sodium nitrate are then added to cure the meat, which prevents the growth of unwanted microorganisms. Lactic acid bacteria are injected into the ground meat to lower the meat’s pH balance, which allows it to become better preserved for later consumption. Pepperoni can be consumed raw or cooked, and it contains high amounts of fat, salt, and sugar. It also contains significant amounts of micronutrients needed for building our body cells. Although pepperoni is typically made of pork and beef, substitutes like turkey pepperoni or beef pepperoni that do not contain pork are also available. The cuts used to make pork-only pepperonis are the shoulder and belly, which have high-fat content. These fatty and flavorful sections give pepperoni pizza its superior taste. Contrary to popular opinion, pepperoni is not made from sub-standard leftover meats or fillers. Like other natural sausage casings, pepperoni casings are made from the animal’s intestines. Due to its popularity, manufacturers have been forced to produce collagen casing, which is made from proteins extracted from animal hides and is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) .