what month is presidents day

what month is presidents day

1 year ago 39

Presidents Day is celebrated on the third Monday of February in the United States. It is a federal holiday that honors George Washington, the first president of the United States, and is also increasingly celebrated as a tribute to Abraham Lincoln. The holiday was first celebrated as a federal holiday in the 1880s to honor Washingtons birthday, and in 1971, Congress fixed Washingtons Birthday and several other holidays on Mondays to create long holiday weekends. Although the holiday is often referred to as "Presidents Day," this is not the official name of the federal holiday, and it remains Washingtons Birthday. Some states officially celebrate the third Monday in February as "Washington and Lincolns Birthday," while others call it "Presidents Day". In New Mexico, Presidents Day is observed on the Friday following Thanksgiving, although the legal public holiday remains the third Monday in February. In Georgia, Washingtons Birthday is not a state-government paid holiday, although until 2018 it was officially observed on Christmas Eve.

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