what movie has the most f words

what movie has the most f words

1 year ago 42

According to the search results, there are several movies that are known for having a high number of f-words. The number of f-words varies depending on the source, but the following movies are consistently mentioned:

  • Swearnet: The Movie (2014) - 935 f-words
  • Fuck (documentary) - 857 f-words
  • The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) - 569 f-words
  • Uncut Gems (2019) - 560 f-words
  • Summer of Sam (1999) - 467 f-words
  • Nil by Mouth (1997) - 432 f-words

Its worth noting that different sources may have different criteria for what counts as an f-word, and some movies may have more or fewer f-words depending on the version or cut of the film. However, based on the search results, Swearnet: The Movie appears to have the most f-words.

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