what muscles do chin ups work

what muscles do chin ups work

1 year ago 120

Chin-ups are a challenging bodyweight exercise that work a variety of muscles at once. The primary muscles involved in a chin-up are the back and biceps due to the underhand grip taken while hanging on the bar. However, chin-ups also work other muscles, including:

  • Trapezius
  • Latissimus dorsi
  • Rhomboids
  • Teres major
  • Scapular and shoulder stabilizers
  • Abdominals
  • Forearms

The specific muscles worked during a chin-up can vary depending on the variation of the exercise and the individuals form. For example, chin-ups with a wider grip may place more emphasis on the back muscles, while chin-ups with a closer grip may place more emphasis on the biceps. Additionally, chin-ups can be modified to emphasize certain muscle groups over others or to increase the level of difficulty of the movement.

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