what muscles do deadlifts work

what muscles do deadlifts work

1 year ago 122

Deadlifts are a compound exercise that work multiple muscle groups at once. The key muscle groups targeted are:

  • Hamstrings: These are the muscles at the back of the thigh that work closely with the glutes to extend the hip through the deadlifting motion.

  • Glutes: These are the muscles in your buttocks that work with the hamstrings to extend the hip.

  • Back: The muscles of the upper and lower back work together to keep the spine stable during the lift. The latissimus dorsi (lats) are two large, triangle-shaped muscles on either side of the spine, and the erector spinae muscles run along the length of the spine.

  • Core: The muscles of the core, including the rectus abdominis, obliques, and transverse abdominis, work to stabilize the spine during the lift.

  • Trapezius: This is a large, triangular muscle that extends from the base of the skull to the mid-back. It is responsible for stabilizing and moving the shoulder blades.

  • Hips: The hip muscles, including the adductors, are also involved in the deadlift.

Deadlifts are a challenging exercise to master, and new lifters should focus on form first. They may want to practice the motion of deadlifting with no weight before adding resistance.

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