Goats make a sound called a "bleat" or "baa". Goat vocalizations are closer to whats called a "bleat," which is a sound also sometimes made by cows and deer. Although goat sounds may all sound the same to the untrained ear, they actually differ based on what the goat is trying to communicate. For example, goats make a snort-bleat sound to warn others of potential danger, and they also make specific sounds when theyre happy and excited. Kids make unique sounds when they cry for their mothers, and nanny goats communicate with their kids with unique bleating sounds. Male goats make a grumble bleat when they find a receptive female to mate with.
Some goats scream when theyre unhappy, which is usually due to loneliness. Goats can be very loud and may bleat aggressively in protest or to signal their displeasure, much like mules and donkeys. While sheep usually "baa," goats tend to bleat instead.
Overall, goats have a wide variety of bleating sounds that they use to communicate with their fellow animals. The goat bleats can differ in a variety of ways, including loudness, depth, and pitch, depending on the specific purpose for which they are bleating.