To activate your Verizon phone, you have several options:
On Phone Activation: Turn on your phone and follow the prompts to activate 4G LTE service. If you are not able to activate your phone using this option, go to Option 2 or 3.
Online Activation: Go to and follow the steps to complete the activation. If you are not able to activate your phone using this option, go to Option 3.
Over the Air Activation: Call Verizons customer service number at (866) 893-7723 and follow the prompts to activate your phone. You will be prompted for information such as the type of phone you are activating and the 20-digit SIM ID located on the SIM card.
Visit a Verizon store: Most customer service reps should be able to activate your phone in just a few moments. Make sure to bring in your SIM card, or let the employee know that you need to purchase a new SIM card.
Its important to note that all phones must be compatible with the Verizon network and have a Verizon SIM card to be activated.