what number is medium high heat

what number is medium high heat

1 year ago 41

The number for medium-high heat on a stove can vary depending on the stove type and the number of settings on the dial. However, according to the search results, the following are the most common numbers for medium-high heat:

  • For stoves with numbered dials ranging from 1 to 10, medium-high heat falls around 6 or 7 on the dial.
  • For stoves with numbered dials ranging from 1 to 6, medium-high heat is around 4 or 5 on the dial.
  • For stoves with numbered dials ranging from 1 to 9, medium-high heat is around 7 or 8 on the dial.

Its important to note that these numbers are not universal and can vary depending on the stove and the recipe. Its always a good idea to adjust the heat depending on what youre cooking and how your stove performs.

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