what order to watch walking dead spin offs

what order to watch walking dead spin offs

1 year ago 57

To watch The Walking Dead and its spin-offs in order, there are two main approaches: release order and chronological order. Heres a breakdown of both methods:

Release Order

  1. The Walking Dead seasons 1 – 5
  2. Fear the Walking Dead season 1
  3. The Walking Dead season 6
  4. Fear the Walking Dead season 2
  5. And so on, following the release order of each series.

Chronological Order

  1. Fear the Walking Dead seasons 1 through 3
  2. The Walking Dead seasons 1 through 5
  3. Fear the Walking Dead season 4 onwards
  4. The Walking Dead season 6 onwards
  5. And so on, following the chronological order of events during the zombie apocalypse.

Both methods have their benefits, and the choice ultimately depends on personal preference. Watching in release order allows for a smoother transition between series, while chronological order provides a deeper understanding of the timeline of events. Whether youre a newcomer or a long-time fan, these two approaches offer different perspectives on The Walking Dead universe.

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