what percent of men can bench 225

what percent of men can bench 225

1 year ago 35

The percentage of men who can bench press 225 pounds varies depending on the source, but it is generally agreed that it is a relatively small percentage of the population. Here are some estimates from the search results:

  • Less than 1% of the population can bench press 225 pounds, based on national statistics.
  • Only men who have an intermediate level of experience are able to lift this much weight, and most men are lower-than-intermediate lifters, so a 225-pound bench press is above average.
  • Approximately 1-3% of male individuals who engage in regular gym training have the capability to lift this weight.
  • Only about 1-3% of the population who regularly train in the gym with proper planning can bench 225 pounds.

While the exact percentage is difficult to determine, it is clear that bench pressing 225 pounds is a challenging feat that requires training and dedication.

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