what percent of people can bench 225

what percent of people can bench 225

1 year ago 39

The percentage of people who can bench press 225 pounds varies depending on the sample size and the criteria used to define the population. According to national statistics, less than 1% of the population can bench press 225 pounds. However, this figure becomes somewhat more dubious when changing the sample size to only individuals that visit the gym. Based on the number of individuals that own a gym membership and dividing it by relative bodyweight, gender, training age, and length of time that such individuals have held their gym membership, we can arrive at the estimate of approximately 2% of all gym-goers being capable of performing a 225 bench press lift. A study conducted by the NFL found that only 1.5% of male athletes who participated in the NFL combine were able to bench press 225 pounds or more for more than 10 reps. Another study found that approximately 0.075% of the worlds population can bench 225 pounds, which comes out to about 581 million people worldwide. However, this study only accounts for people who can bench press 225 pounds and does not take into account other factors such as age, gender, and fitness level. In conclusion, the percentage of people who can bench press 225 pounds is relatively low, and it varies depending on the criteria used to define the population.

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