The percentage for National Insurance depends on the employment status and how much is earned. For most employees, the rates for the tax year 2023 to 2024 are:
- 12% of weekly earnings between £242 and £967
- 2% of weekly earnings above £967
For example, if an employee earns £1,000 a week, they will pay nothing on the first £242, 12% (£93.24) on the next £777, and 2% (£0.66) on the remaining £33. This means their National Insurance payment will be £93.90 for the week.
Employers pay a different rate of National Insurance depending on their employees category letters. The rates for most employers from 6 April 2023 to 5 April 2024 are:
- 0% for earnings between £123 to £175 (£533 to £758 a month)
- 13.8% for earnings between £175.01 to £481 (£758.01 to £2,083 a month)
- 13.8% for earnings between £481.01 to £967 (£2,083.01 to £4,189 a month)
- 13.8% for earnings over £967 a week (£4,189 a month)
It is important to note that National Insurance rates can change from year to year, so it is always best to check the latest rates on the official government website.