what percentage of native american to get benefits

what percentage of native american to get benefits

1 year ago 46

The percentage of Native American blood required to receive benefits varies depending on the tribe and the type of benefits. For example, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians requires a minimum of 1/16 degree of Cherokee Indian blood for tribal enrollment, while the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ Higher Education Grant expects a minimum of 1/4 Native American blood percentage. The Bureau of Indian Affairs uses a blood quantum definition—generally one-fourth Native American blood—and/or tribal membership to recognize an individual as a Native American. However, it is important to note that each tribe has its own rules for enrollment and benefits, and these rules can vary widely. Some tribes require as much as 25% Native heritage, and most require at least 1/16th Native heritage, which is one great-great grandparent. To determine if you are eligible for membership in a federally recognized tribe, contact the tribe, or tribes, you claim ancestry from. It is also important to note that receiving benefits is not the same as identifying as Native American. Some people with Native American ancestry choose not to identify as Native American because they do not have a connection to the culture or community.

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