When it comes to cutting back perennials in the fall, some plants benefit from pruning to protect them from the cold and spark healthy growth come spring, while others should be left standing to add interest to the winter landscape or to collect leaves and snow for insulation and moisture. Here are some perennials that can be cut back in the fall:
- Bearded Iris
- Bee Balm
- Blackberry Lily
- Blanket Flower
- Catmint
- Coneflower
- Daylilies
- Garden Phlox
- Lavender
- Meadow Rue
- Salvia
- Tall Sedum
- Yarrow
Its important to note that some perennials should not be cut back in the fall, such as marginally hardy perennials like garden mums, anise hyssop, red-hot poker, and Montauk daisy, as they are more likely to survive the cold of winter if you leave their tops to collect leaves and snow for insulation and moisture. Additionally, some perennials dont need to be cut back at all, such as hardy geraniums, heucheras, hellebores, dianthus, and moss phlox, which can be tidied up in the spring as needed.