what physical exam findings would you look for in a patient with allergies

what physical exam findings would you look for in a patient with allergies

1 year ago 40

When performing a physical exam for allergies, a healthcare provider will typically focus on checking the head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat (HEENT) 00065-X/fulltext). The following are some of the physical exam findings that a healthcare provider may look for:

  • Nose: Swelling and drainage in the nose and throat that could be caused by allergies, nasal drip, nasal crease, pale and boggy inferior turbinates, red inferior turbinate, nasal polyposis00065-X/fulltext).

  • Eyes: Injection and swelling of the palpebral conjunctivae, excess tear production.

  • Skin: Signs of atopic dermatitis, also called eczema, external ear canal dermatitis00065-X/fulltext).

  • Throat: Tonsillar hypertrophy00065-X/fulltext).

  • Lungs: Wheezing or whistling that could mean inflammation.

It is important to note that a detailed history elicited from the patient is typically the primary method of diagnosing allergies, and confirmation of the diagnosis by allergy skin or in vitro testing is sometimes also helpful.

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