what pickaxe can mine mythril

what pickaxe can mine mythril

1 year ago 41

To mine Mythril in Terraria, you need a pickaxe with a power of 110 or higher. The following pickaxes can mine Mythril:

  • Cobalt Pickaxe
  • Palladium Pickaxe
  • Mythril Pickaxe
  • Orichalcum Pickaxe
  • Adamantite Pickaxe
  • Titanium Pickaxe

The Mythril Pickaxe is one of the pickaxes that can mine Mythril. It requires 15 Mythril Bars to craft (60 Mythril Ore) and has a power of 110.

Its worth noting that Mythril bars can also be purchased from the Goblin Tinkerer and the Mechanic for a fee, saving players the time and effort of mining or exploring for the material.

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