what piercings can you get at 16 without parental consent

what piercings can you get at 16 without parental consent

1 year ago 40

In the United States, the laws regarding body piercings for minors vary by state. However, there are some general guidelines that apply to most states. Here are the common piercings that most states will allow for minors aged 16 without parental consent:

  • Earlobe piercing
  • Daith piercing
  • Tragus piercing
  • Helix piercing
  • Conch piercing
  • Industrial piercing

Its important to note that individual shops may have their own rules and may require the minor or a parent to sign a waiver. Additionally, some states have legal loopholes that allow minors to get piercings without parental consent, while others have strict laws requiring written consent from a parent or legal guardian. Its essential to be aware of the specific laws in your state regarding body piercings for minors.

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