what places sell stamps

what places sell stamps

1 year ago 38

There are many places where you can buy stamps, including:

  • Post Offices: You can buy new stamps at your local post office.

  • USPS.com: You can order stamps online from the USPS website.

  • Grocery Stores: Many grocery stores sell stamps, including Publix, Kroger, and Winco.

  • Pharmacies: Large pharmacy chains like CVS and Walgreens often sell stamps.

  • Retailers: Many retailers have been authorized to sell postage stamps by the USPS, including Walmart, Target, and Staples.

  • Banks: Some banks and credit unions sell stamps through their ATMs or tellers.

  • Bookstores and Office Supply Stores: You can buy stamps at bookstores like Office Max and Office Depot, as well as university or high school bookstores.

  • Shipping Centers: Shipping centers like UPS Stores and FedEx Office stock postage stamps.

Its important to note that not all locations may sell stamps individually, and some may only sell booklets or sheets of stamps. If youre unsure whether a location sells stamps, you can use the USPS location tool to find out.

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