what planet has the great red spot

what planet has the great red spot

10 months ago 31

The Great Red Spot is a persistent high-pressure region in the atmosphere of Jupiter, producing an anticyclonic storm that is the largest in the Solar System. It is located in Jupiters Southern Hemisphere and is the largest storm in our solar system, appearing as a giant red spot on Jupiters surface. The Great Red Spot is a long-lasting area of high pressure on Jupiter that creates a persistent anticyclonic storm, rotating counterclockwise and producing winds up to 580 mph. It is about 1.3 times the width of the Earth and has existed for more than 300 years. The Great Red Spot is not to be confused with the Great Dark Spot, a feature observed near the northern pole of Jupiter in 2000 with the Cassini–Huygens spacecraft. It is a legendary feature that has been observed for more than 150 years and is still present in Jupiters atmosphere. Therefore, the planet with the Great Red Spot is Jupiter.

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