Based on the search results, there is no information about which planet is near the moon tonight. The search results provide information about visible planets and night sky for September, October, and November 2023, but none of them mention which planet is near the moon tonight. However, the search results provide information about the moons position relative to other celestial objects on specific dates. For example, on November 8 and 9, 2023, the waning crescent moon will float near the dazzlingly bright planet Venus. On September 20 and 21, 2023, the thick waxing crescent moon will pass the bright red star Antares, Heart of the Scorpion in the constellation Scorpius. On September 26 and 27, 2023, the bright waxing gibbous moon will sweep past the planet Saturn. Therefore, if you want to know which planet is near the moon tonight, you may need to search for the specific date and location.