what poison tastes like cinnamon

what poison tastes like cinnamon

1 year ago 117

Cinnamon itself is not poisonous, but some types of cinnamon contain a chemical called coumarin, which is used for making rat poison. Coumarin is also found in other plants, such as sweet woodruff, sweet grass, sweet-clover, and tonka bean. According to a 2013 study, different varieties of cinnamon contain different levels of coumarin. Ceylon cinnamon or true cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) contains 0.005 to 0.090 mg/g, Chinese cinnamon or Chinese cassia (C. cassia) contains 0.085 to 0.310 mg/g, and Indonesian cinnamon or Padang cassia (C. burmannii) contains 2.14 to 9.30 mg/g. European health agencies have warned against consuming high amounts of cassia bark, one of the four main species of cinnamon, because of its coumarin content. According to the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BFR), 1 kg of (cassia) cinnamon powder contains about 2.1 to 4.4 g of coumarin. Powdered cassia cinnamon weighs 0.56 g/cm3, so a kilogram of cassia cinnamon powder equals 362.29 teaspoons. One teaspoon of cassia cinnamon powder therefore contains 5.8 to 12.1 mg of coumarin, which may be above the tolerable daily intake. Therefore, if you smell cinnamon in your drink, it is not necessarily poisonous, but it is recommended to be cautious and not drink it, especially if you did not add cinnamon to your drink yourself.

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