Aerodactyl is a dual-type Rock- and Flying-type Pokémon, which means it is weak against Water-, Electric-, Ice-, Rock-, and Steel-type moves. Here are some of the best Pokémon to use against Aerodactyl:
- Blastoise (Mega): Water Gun/Hydro Cannon
- Xurkitree: Thunder Shock/Discharge
- Metagross: Bullet Punch/Meteor Mash
- Zekrom: Charge Beam/Wild Charge
- Rampardos: Smack Down/Rock Slide
- Kyogre: Waterfall/Surf
- Rhyperior: Ground/Rock
- Swampert: Water Gun/Hydro Cannon
These Pokémon have one or more of the types that are super effective against Aerodactyl and can deal high damage to it. It is also important to avoid using Pokémon that rely on Bug-, Fire-, Flying-, Ground-, Normal-, and Poison-type attacks, as Aerodactyl is resistant to these types.