what prerequisites do i need for nursing

what prerequisites do i need for nursing

1 year ago 35

To become a nurse, you will need to meet certain prerequisites before applying to nursing school. The specific requirements may vary depending on the program, but most nursing schools have similar education, GPA, physical, and legal nursing prerequisites. Here are some common prerequisites for nursing school:

  • High School Diploma or Equivalent: Most nursing programs require a high school diploma or high school equivalency (HSE) . You can earn an HSE by passing the general education development (GED) test, passing the high school equivalency test (HiSET), or verifying an equivalent certificate from your country of origin.

  • Biology: One year of high school biology is typically required.

  • Chemistry: One year of high school chemistry is typically required.

  • Math: Two years of college-preparatory math are typically required.

  • Statistics: Some nursing programs require a statistics course. This course teaches you how to analyze data and provide evidence-based care to patients.

  • Anatomy and Physiology: Many nursing programs require anatomy and physiology courses. These courses teach you about the structure and function of the human body, which is vital for understanding clinical nursing.

  • Sociology: Some nursing programs require a sociology course. This course teaches you about human behavior and social structures, which can be useful in understanding patient needs.

  • English Composition: Some nursing programs require an English composition course. This course teaches you how to write effectively, which is important for communicating with patients and colleagues.

  • Lifespan Development: Some nursing programs require a course in lifespan development. This course teaches you about human growth and development across the lifespan, which can be useful in understanding patient needs.

  • Nutrition: Some nursing programs require a nutrition course. This course teaches you about the role of nutrition in health and disease, which is important for promoting patient health.

Its important to note that each nursing program may have slightly different prerequisites, so its best to check with the schools youre interested in to determine their specific requirements. Completing these prerequisites provides students with foundational knowledge and showcases their commitment to the field. Meeting these criteria also provides benefits such as an academic foundation and educational prowess.

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