what products that contain the mineral of calcite

what products that contain the mineral of calcite

1 year ago 118

Calcite is a mineral that is the principal constituent of limestone and marble. These rocks are extremely common and make up a significant portion of Earths crust. Calcite is used as a construction material, abrasive, agricultural soil treatment, construction aggregate, pigment, pharmaceutical, and more. Some specific products that contain calcite mineral include:

  • Cement and concrete: Calcite is used in the form of limestone and marble to produce cement and concrete.

  • Glass: Indiana limestone, which is primarily composed of calcite, is used for making glass and other products.

  • Poultry grit: Calcite is used as poultry grit, which is a type of feed supplement that helps birds digest their food.

  • Sugar processing: Calcite is used as a mineral food in sugar processing.

  • Steel production: Calcite is used as flux stone in steel production.

  • Power plants: Calcite is used for sulfur dioxide removal in power plants.

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