what proposals has the innocence project made

what proposals has the innocence project made

1 year ago 30

The Innocence Project is a nonprofit legal organization that is committed to exonerating individuals who have been wrongly convicted, through the use of DNA testing and working to reform the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice. The organization has made several proposals to improve the accuracy of eyewitness identifications, which are often unreliable and a leading cause of wrongful convictions. These proposals include:

  • Blind administration: The person administering the lineup should not know who the suspect is, to prevent unintentional cues that could influence the witness.

  • Proper use of fillers: The lineup should include people who fit the witnesss description of the suspect, to prevent the suspect from standing out.

  • Proper instructions to the witness: The witness should be told that the suspect may or may not be in the lineup, to prevent the witness from feeling pressure to make an identification.

  • Recording of identification procedures: The identification should be videotaped entirely, to provide a record of the procedure and prevent any disputes about what happened.

  • Sequential presentation: Lineup members should be presented one-by-one instead of side-by-side, to prevent the witness from making a relative judgment and to reduce the likelihood of a false identification.

The Innocence Project has also made other proposals to improve the criminal justice system, including regulating jailhouse informant testimony, establishing independent commissions on prosecutorial conduct, and mandating the preservation of biological evidence.

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