what qualifies for shortterm disability

what qualifies for shortterm disability

1 year ago 42

Short-term disability is a type of insurance that provides income replacement benefits to employees who are unable to work due to a temporary disability. The most common reasons for a short-term disability claim are accidents, injuries, illnesses, and pregnancy/maternity leave. To qualify for short-term disability benefits, an employee must be unable to perform their job duties, as deemed by a medical professional. The specific qualifications for short-term disability can vary depending on the provider and state requirements. However, some general eligibility requirements include:

  • Completion of a certain period of continuous employment, usually six months.
  • Inability to work for a certain time frame prior to becoming eligible for benefits, usually 30 consecutive calendar days of disability.
  • Enrollment in a short-term disability insurance plan ahead of time.

Short-term disability benefits typically cover off-the-job accidents and illnesses that workers’ compensation would not cover. The duration of short-term disability benefits is usually up to one year maximum in most cases. The benefit amount is usually a percentage of pre-disability earnings on a weekly basis. The specific benefit amount and duration can vary depending on the provider and state requirements. Some insurance policies allow employees to partner with vocational rehabilitation counselors to create individualized return-to-work plans.

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