what race commits the most crimes in new york

what race commits the most crimes in new york

1 year ago 39

According to the search results, Black people in New York are arrested and convicted of offenses at disproportionate rates compared to other races. Statewide, Black New Yorkers account for roughly 40 percent of misdemeanor and felony convictions over the last two decades while only representing 14 percent of the state’s population. In Manhattan, courts convicted Black people of felonies and misdemeanors at a rate 21 times greater than that of white people over the past two decades, which is the largest disparity of any county in the state. In Brooklyn, Black people were convicted of felonies and misdemeanors at a rate of about seven times that of white people. In every single county in New York, Black people were arrested and convicted of offenses at disproportionate rates.

According to NYPD data, Blacks accounted for 48% of the nearly 1.8 million arrests made by the NYPD between Jan. 1, 2014, and Dec. 31, 2019, while Hispanics comprised 34% of the arrests and whites accounted for 12% . Blacks are 23 percent of New Yorks population, but they commit 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime, according to the victims of, and witnesses to, those crimes.

It is important to note that punitive drug laws have had a disproportionate impact on Black and Latino communities. Even though Blacks and whites have similar rates of drug use, Black people are more likely to be arrested and experience harsher sentences.

In conclusion, the search results suggest that Black people in New York are arrested and convicted of offenses at disproportionate rates compared to other races. However, it is important to consider the underlying factors that contribute to these disparities, such as systemic racism and punitive drug laws.

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