what race is starfire

what race is starfire

1 year ago 32

Starfire is an alien from the planet Tamaran in the Vega system). She is a Tamaranean, and her race is emotional and expressive. Starfires abilities stem from her ability to convert ultraviolet energy, and she has the ability to fly, super-strength, and shoot energy beams out of her eyes. Starfires race is not related to Supermans.

There has been some controversy over the racial identity of Starfires character in adaptations. In the 2018 live-action series "Titans," Starfire is portrayed by Anna Diop, a Black actress. Some fans have criticized this casting, but Starfires race has not been established in the comics. However, Gizmodo reports that Starfire is a Black woman. It is important to note that Starfire is an alien and does not have a human racial identity.

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