The murder of Teresa Halbach is a controversial case that has been the subject of much debate and speculation. Halbach disappeared on October 31, 2005, while on a photography assignment for Auto Trader Magazine. She was planning to take photos of a van Averys sister was selling at the Avery salvage yard on their sprawling 40-acre property in Manitowoc County. Two days after she disappeared, her Toyota RAV 4 SUV was found tucked away at the salvage yard, with some disturbing clues inside. "We find Teresa’s blood in the vehicle, primarily in the cargo area of the Rav 4," said Tom Fassbender, then a special agent with the Wisconsin Department of Criminal Investigation.
Steven Avery and his nephew Brendan Dassey were convicted of Halbachs murder. However, there have been claims that the convictions were wrongful and that other suspects may have been involved. Averys attorney has filed several post-conviction motions, including one in which she claims to have new evidence that links Bobby Dassey, Brendans brother, to the case. Another convicted murderer, Joseph Evans, has also claimed responsibility for Halbachs murder, but authorities doubt his claims.
Despite the various claims and theories, it remains unclear what really happened to Teresa Halbach. The case continues to be a subject of interest and debate among true crime enthusiasts and the general public.