what religion is bali

what religion is bali

1 year ago 91

The majority of the population of Bali practices Balinese Hinduism, which is a distinct form of Hindu worship that incorporates local animism, ancestor worship, and reverence for Buddhist saints or Bodhisattava. Balinese Hindus were declared as "people without a religion" by the Indonesian government, which defined "religion" as one that is monotheistic, has codified religious law, possesses a prophet and a Holy Book, amongst other requirements. The Balinese religion is based on the belief that Truth is one, paths are many', and the fundamental principles are slightly different from Indian Hinduism. The Balinese always strive to maintain a balance between the shadow and light in their life, and their daily offerings in the temples and shrines are for the lower spirits and gods. The majority of Balinese practice a form of Hinduism that is entwined with Buddhist and animistic beliefs, and equal attention is paid to local, agricultural, and ancestral deities. In Balinese culture, people are very careful and respectful of nature, because everything has a deity that lives in them. The Balinese culture and religion are also very festive, with ceremonies, village festivals, pilgrimage, dances, purification rites, and cremation to honor the dead.

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