what repels chipmunks

what repels chipmunks

1 year ago 36

Chipmunks can be repelled by scent. Here are some natural repellents that can be used to keep chipmunks away:

  • Cayenne pepper
  • Garlic
  • Cider vinegar
  • Peppermint oil
  • Citrus
  • Cinnamon
  • Eucalyptus

These natural repellents can be sprinkled around the garden or food sources to discourage chipmunks from coming near. Running a sprinkler system can also scare them off, as chipmunks dont like water.

Its important to note that chipmunks are not aggressive towards humans and can be beneficial to gardens by helping to spread seeds and control insect populations. If chipmunks are causing damage to the garden, its recommended to use humane methods to deter them, such as natural repellents or building barriers.

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