what repels mice

what repels mice

1 year ago 34

There are several things that can repel mice, including scents, sounds, and other deterrents. Here are some of the most common tactics homeowners use to keep mice away:

  • Scents: Some strong scents that people often use as natural mouse repellents include peppermint oil, lavender, vinegar, and other natural essential oils. White vinegar, rice vinegar, and apple cider vinegar all have an acidic smell that acts as a semi-effective mouse deterrent. Botanical repellents contained in bags that are generally placed in mice paths and hiding places are also advertised as effective against mice.

  • Sounds: Loud sounds suggest danger, which mice want to avoid. Mice prefer to be alone, away from humans and animals, so being around a lot of noise is not ideal.

  • Other deterrents: Keeping a neat and tidy home with possible entry points sealed off is the most important approach to repel mice away from your home in the first place. Reducing clutter means there will be fewer places for them to hide. Bright lights and strong smells are also common tactics homeowners often try to help keep mice away.

Its important to note that while some of these strategies may provide some short-term relief, mice are adaptable and will overcome minor discomforts if that is what stands in their way of a meal. It is also much more difficult to get rid of mice with these techniques if they have already established a nest inside your home.

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