To find restaurants that are open for dine-in near you, you can use various websites such as OpenTable, Yelp, and TripAdvisor. Here are some options:
OpenTable: This website allows you to search for restaurants that are open near you. You can view menus, reviews, photos, and choose from available dining times. Simply go to and enter your location to see a list of restaurants that are open.
Yelp: Yelp has a page specifically for restaurants that are open now near you. You can see the most recently reviewed places and filter by cuisine, price, and more. Go to to see the list.
TripAdvisor: TripAdvisor has a page where you can find restaurants near you from 5 million restaurants worldwide with 760 million reviews and opinions from travelers. Go to and enter your location to see a list of restaurants near you.
IHOP: If youre looking for a specific restaurant chain, IHOP is a breakfast, lunch, and dinner restaurant that offers dine-in options. You can visit their website at to find a location near you.
Its important to note that restaurant availability, hours, and day of week may vary by location, so its always a good idea to call ahead or check the restaurants website for the most up-to-date information.