To find out what school district you live in, there are several options available:
GreatSchools: You can use the interactive map on the GreatSchools website to see what school district you are in by providing your zip code or address.
New York City Department of Education: If you live in New York City, you can use the "Find a School" tool on the NYC DOE website to search for schools by address or school name. You can also select a grade and borough to better focus your results.
New York State Department of Taxation and Finance: You can find the name and public school district code in the county where you were a resident on December 31 of the tax year you are filing for by using the school district codes lookup tool on the website. When you file your New York State income tax return, enter the school district code in the space provided.
NYC311: You can enter your address using the NYC311 website to find out what school zone you are in. The online tool will list zoned schools based on your address.
Niche: You can look up local schools by address or ZIP code on the Niche website. This will show you what school district you are in and what school you are zoned for with their school boundary maps.
Its important to note that the specific resources available to you may depend on where you live.