There are several ways to find out what school district your address is in. Here are some search results that can help:
GreatSchools: This website has an interactive map that allows you to see what school district you are in by providing your zip code or address.
Niche: This website also has a school boundary map that allows you to look up local schools by address or ZIP code. You can find out what school district you are in and what school you are zoned for.
Texas Education Agency: The School District Locator (SDL) provides basic information for Texas schools, districts, and education service centers (ESCs) in map format. It also provides school district information, district accountability ratings, and enrollment and performance reports in text format.
- This website has a lookup tool for School District Income Tax. You can enter your address to find out which school district you are in.
Illinois State Board of Education: This website has a Public School District Lookup tool that allows you to search for your school district by address.
City of Phoenix: This website provides information on school locations, district and attendance boundaries, as well as some frequently requested maps. You can use the links provided to find information regarding school locations, districts, websites, or attendance boundary maps.
You can use any of these resources to find out what school district your address is in.